NEWS RELEASE: Shuswap Economic Development Society continues to serve the rural Shuswap into the future... Read More


Demographic information for the Shuswap Economic Development area is available through Statistics Canada. The most recent census took place in 2011. Information gathered for the area includes the entire Columbia-Shuswap Regional District (CSRD), including Salmon Arm. The total population in the CSRD in 2011 was 50,512, representing a very modest increase from the previous census in 2006. The local population is spread across a geographical area measuring 28,929 square kilometres, with an average population density of 1.7 persons per square kilometre. 23% of private residences throughout the CSRD are considered secondary residences. This proportion is much higher in certain areas like CSRD Area F where it jumps to 64%. The vast majority of residents cited English as their first language.

The median age in the CSRD was 48 years, with more than 85% of the local population over the age of 15. The population of youth aged 0 to 19 years was 10,105, and there were 9,830 residents between the ages of 20 and 40. The population over the age of 65 makes up 21% of the region’s population, with some areas having a much higher proportion of person’s over 65 than others. Immigrants – based on Canadian citizenship – make up about 10% of the region’s population.

For more information, visit the BC Stats website and Statistics Canada.