NEWS RELEASE: Shuswap Economic Development Society continues to serve the rural Shuswap into the future... Read More

Shuswap Economic Development Society Update

September 27, 2024



We are pleased to introduce Heidi Leduc, who is the Administrative Manager for SEDS. To contact Heidi email and 250-804-5527. Heidi will work with Sue McCrae, President and interim Executive Director, to support and collaborate with the communities and stakeholders in the rural Shuswap. To contact Sue, email They will be pleased to assist you.



The Shuswap Economic Development Society (SEDS) is continuing to collaborate with rural communities in the Shuswap to determine their needs and support the expansion of services and infrastructure required to build healthy vibrant communities’ year-round local economy. Collaboration continues with organizations and individuals who are committed to growing the economy in their community.



SEDS finalized its long-term Strategic Plan (SP) in December 2022, and in June 2024 the first key phase was completed with the release of the Investment & Attractions Strategy (IAS). Both these initiatives included consultation with the communities served, CSRD Electoral Areas C, D, F, and G. Changes to staffing and funding are now underway to ensure the successful implementation of the SP and IAS, while looking for opportunities to expand their scope to support economic growth in other neighboring communities.



This includes improving community services and infrastructure as a key to economic growth in the Shuswap. They lay the foundation for achieving inclusive, sustainable, and innovative solutions for our communities. Economic Development is not achieved by short term commitments. It is a long-term commitment to growing the economy through attracting investment to the communities to build businesses in the forest industry, manufacturing sector, agriculture, technology, and other resource driven industries that are available in the Shuswap. Housing and health care are essential services as are community infrastructure to support families. Infrastructure to support increased population and growth in housing and businesses is the foundation for growth.



Where do we start? How do we start? Collaboration of the stakeholders who have the ability to support economic growth. Communication between and cooperation of all who have a desire and/ or obligation to be a part of the solution.



SEDS has formed task forces in Agriculture, Infrastructure, Investment & Attraction, and are very active in the Housing Society. We are currently forming a task force on Health Care and allied services for the Rural Areas of the Shuswap. These task forces are comprised of board directors and members from the communities, and we encourage stakeholders and those who are interested to join us in our efforts to grow the economy in our communities. We continue to provide workshops in areas of interest to the communities and support the North and South Chambers of Commerce and Salmon River Valley Community Association financially and offer support and the opportunity to collaborate in areas of common interest. A successful Business Façade Program in the North Shuswap led to an additional program for 2024 and a new program for Area D, Falkland, and Silver Creek areas.



The IAS includes a budget for the development of a marketing campaign brand, development of a relocation guide and an investment guide. An investment and attraction website is suggested as a project for the current year. SEDS will continue to work with the SP and promote the improvement of community services and infrastructure, healthy local food systems, housing initiatives, improvements in health care and collaborate with Indigenous nations.



SEDS is partnering with Indigenous Connective Institute (ICI) and I-Valley Intelligent Community Association to bring a 3-day workshop to the Indigenous communities of the Shuswap and neighboring communities. The workshop will be at the Quaaout Lodge the last week of November 2024. A survey will be circulated to the communities and up to 50 participants will take part in the workshop. Email for further information.



SEDS applied for a grant to build a 30-million-dollar broadband project for the underserved communities in the Shuswap. Partners are finalizing the Shuswap Region Broadband Cooperative in anticipation of a positive response from Connecting Communities of B. C. The ICW will help train a labour force to work on the construction of the project.



We encourage you to contact SEDS if you are interested in growing the economy to meet the challenges of the increase in the population and needs of our rural Shuswap communities. Email or call 250-832-5932. Join the team.

Sue McCrae presents a cheque for $2,000 to Martin Hennigar to support new Society South West Shuswap First Responders serving the Falkland, Silver Creek, Monte Lake, and Westwold Communities.

SEDS presents a cheque for $11,334 to Corrie Barker representing the South Shuswap Chamber of Commerce to support their efforts to promote tourism.

From Left to Right: Kyle Routledge, Bill MacPherson, Paul Dorin, Rhys Laug